हम इस कहानी को यहीं खतम नहीं करना चाहते! खास कर जब हमें दुसरे अभिभावकों की सद्भावना और सहायता मिल रही है। ये कहानी एक परिवार, एक बच्चे की नहीं, बल्कि हज़ारों, लाखों परिवारों की है, उनके बच्चों की है। हमें मालूम है कि हमारी तरह बहुत से माता पिता इस परेशानी से गुज़र रहे हैं।
आज (११-जनवरी-2008) एक पिता ने, जो श्री राम वाटिका में 'ग्रुप मीटिंग' कर के आ रह था, बताया कि सच तो ये है के मेने सब स्कूलों में फॉर्म भरें हैं, अब प्रिंसिपल के इस सवाल का ज़वाब क्या हो के मैंने "श्री राम वाटिका क्यों चुना ?"
हमने एक शुरुआत की थी इस एक सच्ची कहानी से, और इस कहानी में आज एक और पन्ना जुडा है। आज हम ये प्रण करते हैं की हर इस कहानी को सब के सामने लाया जाएगा। हर कोशिश नाकाम न जाये ये हम सब कि दुआ है। हर बच्चे को एक अच्छा स्कूल मिले....हर वो सपना सच हो जो उसके लिए माता पिता ने संजोया है।
True Story#1 from parents: "Untitled..."
I thought that I will take this blog to a new level and probably will help change the politics behind admissions but seems like it is not as easy as it seems. I even thought of filing PIL (also suggested by few visitors on this blog) but as we all know even PIL is not an easy way out, high courts are not accepting PILs and has given their own limitations.
Don’t know if my kid would get admission in pre-primary in any of the schools in Delhi, I have forgotten of all my dreams of getting him a good school from day one…
I wonder sometimes, why I have to compromise in life, why my innocent child is forced to compromise for no reason. Why a stupid fault in the system will go down our life which will keep coming as nightmare for rest of the life.
Why can’t we have intelligent politicians that put some brain before they take any decisions? I go to schools and see poor parents standing in the lines to get forms, and other are standing to submit forms. No one is really looking confident, and I am sure none of us can understand why schools are allowed to have different form formats? Why different schools are asking for different supporting documents and that too in their own way (self attested, attested by gazetted officer, just plain photo-copies and so on…).
I am a poor parent like 1000 out there who is earning good my family belongs to general class, has raised a healthy first child, I have spent over 5000 rupees in buying admission forms and still not sure if my kid will get admission in any school this year.
Here I am, the typical Indian parent, now for the future of my 4 year kid I am ready to pay anyone a good amount who can promise me admission in school for my kid…
True Story#2 from parents: "My Poor Child"
As I type this, I hear you playing downstairs, so happily, so cheerfully, so unaware of the hundreds of vicious people in those schools out there who will give negative marks to you and me. Me for not being a Govt servant, not being on transfer, not being a post-graduate. You for not being first-born, not being physically-handicapped, not being a girl.
Play on, my child, play on.
These arrogant people - these Principals and Head-mistresses and Head-masters who will determine your next 14 years of life this month with a flick of their pens or at the flick of a cheque - don't matter. You still are my most wonderful child.
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January 11, 2008
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Totally agree with you. As mentoned in the Supreme Court , "Schools are punishing us for giving birth to a child" . I feel we are like beggers begging for Admission to Schools.
My situation is worse as I have 4+ year old Twins and I do not know what to do. Also we live in North Delhi in an area wherw only few schools consider.I may go into depression if things continue like this.
Can we get together like Uphaar Victim relatives and file a PIL for the suffering of 4 year old childeren
Thanks for your views! I can understand your problem. Unfortunately government/piliticians doesnt understand that there could even be such cases as yours.
Dumb people really!
I invited fellow parents to come forward and share their views on PIL and also other issues but I think busy life really not just alloweing us to get togather and brainstrom on this issue.
It would be good if we likeminded people can meet and discuss and take it forward.
Hi my husband is an army officer . we moved over to delhi hoping to provide good education to our children. my older son has joined kendriya vidyalaya. however the younger one is that unfortunate age of 4+. whats happening in delhi is ridiculous.... the "snootiest" place i have seen in the country....doesnt look like she's going to get admission this yr in any of these "reputed schools". i'll make her sit at home this year, teach her at home and apply for admission next year in class 1.
NurseryAdmissions.com launched for help on Nursery Admission.
We must give credit to your blog for the information that we couldnot get elsewhere on Admissions.
Hence,We decided to launch a network for parents.
Parents Launch a Social Network as they could not find any resource on Nursery Admissions Online.
Get all the Information about Nursery Admissions in New Delhi, India.
Nursery Admission Policy, Nursery Admission Dates, Nursery Admission Forms, List and Details of Schools in Delhi...
Visit and Support
P.S. -- We request you to share your opinions and informations on the site... You can start your Own Blog, Post in Forums and network with other parents.
As this is a Social Venture - We need all the support from you and all the parents to make it a usefull resource on Nursery Admissions in India.
Unfortunately there is hardly anything can be done here.
If you have read latest news, DOE site notifications etc. ministry and DOE are set with what ehy have said and schools have begun as they want it to be.
Setting up site is nice idea, it will be another forum for parents, but we all know that this would be of no real help to anyone as parents cant do much about it.
I would like to join your group for the sake of our innocent children.
I've also noticed so many annoying issues for which i was really looking for a platform to share my views. Thanks to Blogspot!!
My first frustration is WE are made to buy the prospectus worth 250-800 but still in that no school has given idea of its fee- structure. We are middle class people and have to do future planning for our investments in which child's monthly school expense will be counted. If I know in advance that a particular school will charge how much amount of fee it will be easy for us to take decision whether to apply in that school or not.
Second thing I think is that for all schools there should be a same date of declaring of lists so as to avoid confusion and submitting non refundable fees in 2-3 schools.
My third worry is the schools asking about the schooling of parents, what if the parents are well educated in post graduation and are in good jobs but hail from Govt. schools, as in our time education was the priority not the school name. I think schools should not ask parents this question in their interaction.
Please comment if you agree with me.
You are most welcome! You can send your posts, suggestions, updates and I will make sure that they are highlighted.
You can also send your e-mail (should be a Gmail account) to spyderindia@gmail.com and I will give you permissions to the blog and you can post directly.
Welcome again!
Hey!Have been reading the comments on this site,I am a amother of a 3 and a half year old and do agree the we all are paying the price for becoming parents but I would also like to add if a few schools in Delhi(i mean the frw well known) act fussy and make awkward demands,to a large extent it is the faults of the parents too cos we have made these schools feel that they are the best n our kids will be nowhere without them whereas there are many schools who have been giving excellent results but arent as popular but all the parents wish their kids to go to the few well known ones and dont wish to do more research.This is just my view and I didnt mean to offend anyone.
Regarding the following, this looks like perfect compliance with DOE rules. Am I mistaken? Please clarify.
The Heritage School (Rohini)
Pre-School: Available
Rule voilation: School has the following regulations on its website: "Children born only between 1st April 2004 and 31st March 2005." which is against the rules set by DOE!
can anyone tell me what is the running rate of donation to modern school, sardar patel vidyalaya, or cjm? io am desperate to admit my child there and am ready to pay any amount. heard somewhere that schools are taking money...at least thats some good news amidst all the confusion.
regarding donation in the schools, we dont have exact rates as they never can be (exact, they vary) as we guess.
We have few numbers, like average donation (god damn it, they call it by diff. names....so please be a good listener) is Rs. 50k-100k. But the big players (love to call them 'education shops') may charge anything like 8-10 lakh.
Rule of thumb - jitna gur - utna meeta....
For Heritage School case, here is the updated info from school site:
for pre-school: "The child should be 3 years of age as on 31st March, 2008 i.e. born before 31st March 2005"
looks like they have fixed it! blog will be updated soon - thanks!
Tagore Intl: So fa, So good. Although interactions have not yet started, Tagore Intl has been the surprise package of the lot. First, admission forms were available both from the school premises and from the website. So it was convenient for us to take our pick. Next, submissions were well handled by mature, academic-looking - not commercial-looking - teachers. Then, individual calls were made to each n every parent by a happy sounding polite teacher regarding the slight shift in interaction time. She even willingly informed that the type of interaction will not be a group discussion but a simple informal one-to-one chat with a senior teacher. Let's hope the actual interaction is just as good. Only sad thing is, how many parents are really interested in choosing Tagore Intl, a small neighborhood school, over the best names in the city? For most of us, it is a backup school so that our child doesnt have to sit at home if s/he doesnt get admission anywhere else.
Hi ,
Till now, my experinece with Tagore Intl is the best. I have applied in both the branches - my house in between :).
I am really impressed the way they handled the whole admission process - very professional and efficient and respecting parent's time/schedule. I hope my child gets selected in any of the branches - I want to put him there.I have seen the state of the so called "top" schools.
Has anyone applied for KR Mangalam World School in GK?
Does anyone have idea about their filter criteria?
Bluebells 1stt List
It was a sight yesterday as I went at 6:00 pm in the evenining to check the list. In a dimly lit (or no lit, the school depended on the street light) corner, the 1st list was put up on a board. Some parents were using their lighters and mobile phones to check out their kids' names. When it became impossible to read, someone just picked up the board and then the crowd of almost 200 parents went crazy. The guards had locked themselves inside the school, thinking they may just get beaten up by the angry parents. They were happily giving instructions to the parents to check the list on the school's website at 8:00 am on 15th Jan.
I am sure a lot of parents whose kids are not able to find their names on the 1st lists must be feeling the same...i mean...break the boards....and scream to the delhi govt and ganguli commission that.....since my child has no handicap, no sibling, not a girl, parents not divorced and on non-transferable jobs and not from the same school, he is not getting admission in any school...what shud we do now????????????
How to get admission in DPS or Sanskriti? They allow only kids of bureaucrats, defence in the schools. I have heard DPS taking kids in at a price. CAn someone tell me what is the price and who shud we pay that? One needs to know someone to give bribe to...right?
Regarding KR Mangalam, i myself filled form for this school and the school sites doesnt mention anything abt selection procedure s such, neither their prospactus has anything related to admisisons.
BUT - i recall the criteria is per DOE rules, as the application form had sections like (sibling, alumni, EWS, Job Transferable etc) and these sections had blocks for officials to enter numbers/marks.
So going by this, it is more or less per standards. List will be out in 1st week of feb.
All the best
Regarding DPS admissions, the statement "They allow only kids of bureaucrats, defence in the schools" may be true, looking at their past. Lets see what they have planned for this year.
Heard 'someone' say that i can get u in DPS for some 3 lakhs.....
Only Gods (read the guy n DPS) know......!
To all the parents willing to give donation for admission of their children:
You are not only loosing good chunk of your hard-earned money, but at the same time you are enhancing the greed of the schools & creating nuisance to other parents who are not willing to pay any donation. It's us who are adding more to the already existing complication. If we keep quite & act sensibly, then the schools have to keep quite. Let's help ourselves with a good cause.
Tagore International, East of Kailash:
As we walked in through the newly built steel gates, my husband and I were impressed with the clean corridors and neatly planted asoka trees in the ground. Tagore Intl wasnt our first choice since it wasnt in our list of "top" schools like Modern, Sri Ram, et al. But we were in for a surprise. A brief tour, a little interaction, and we realized that the truly best schools need not throw airs around them or flex their imaginary muscle power at helpless parents. The school has a very pleasant and eco-friendly environment, aesthetically made in red brick tiles, pink bathroom for girls, neat little canteen, very polite staff, and lovely british-raj-style windows in the classrooms. Even the floors were shining. Coming to teachers...our slot was for 9.30 am in the morning and since I had noticed more than 200 parents were in the same slot, I expected a repeat of Sri Ram interaction and was prepared for four hours at least. Wonder of wonders, as soon as we reached, a notice board told us which room we were supposed to go to. Inside the room, chairs were arranged for parents to sit and wait for their turn and a teacher was checking the registration forms. Our waiting time was less than five minutes. Parents who were in the 9 am slot and were late, were asked to wait politely. The teacher was excellent. She was not only mature, grounded, and courteous, but she carried such an air of silent authority that I immediately felt my child would be secure with her. The schools looks after its children - one can make out. It may not be a high profile school, but it is definitely one of the best. You could make this out easily by looking at the happy and relaxed faces of smiling parents who were, it seems, on a picnic of sorts, judging by the number of us sitting on wooden benches, having snacks from the neat little canteen. Even the dustbins were neat and clean and well placed to avoid any litter. Any child from this school will not be a snob or a show off but will definitely be a balanced, well groomed individual.
No admission so far:
I applied in around twenty schools, near and far, top and medium, good and not-so-good just to ensure that my child should get admission somewhere at least. But sadly, till now, all the admission lists that have come up, do not have my child's name on it. The reason? Either we are situated too far, or we are not national achievers, or we do not have siblings, and are not alumni. Also, we have not given any donation. What is in store for my otherwise excellent and intelligent child who is already a topper in playschool and has got several awards for sports and studies also? One would say such a child will have an excellent start in life. I would say such a child get at least a start, given the current state of admissions.
Hi, We have filled around 25 to 30 Schools. But till now in no school our child has been put on the list. We had neighborhood points & other than no other points but these all seem to be taking us for a ride.
We were called for so called interaction at Birla Vidya Niketan. The interaction went very well and even interviewer (vice principal) was very impressed and we assumed that we would surely make it to the school but when results arrived we never found our name.
We have come to a conclusion after talking to several touts & so called connected people that it is Money or connections which can guarantee your kids to admission on a good school.
rates going around are
DPS- 7 lacs
Heritage- 12 lacs
MSM- For General category- 3 lacs
Springdales- 5 lacs
Air Force Bal Bharati- 4-5 lacs
So if you have money or some well oiled good connections you can make it good schools or else smaller unknown schools or newer ones like schools coming in Dwarka can work for you.
Which is a better school? Modern School Humayun Road, or DPS Mathura Road? Can you all please post your views on this?
Regarding the comment below about ongoing rates of bribes:
My son studies in DPS RKPuram. I was never asked for any bribe at any time. I could not afford one if they asked me :-) . Also, I don't know anyone influential who could pull strings for my son's admission - we just gave the interview and showed the certficates and proved we are in the neighbourhood. Plus, DPS R K Puram has never charged us anything except the school fees with a proper receipt. I don't know from where such rumours (of bribes) emanate.
We have come to a conclusion after talking to several touts & so called connected people that it is Money or connections which can guarantee your kids to admission on a good school.
rates going around are
DPS- 7 lacs
Heritage- 12 lacs
MSM- For General category- 3 lacs
Springdales- 5 lacs
Air Force Bal Bharati- 4-5 lacs
Parents like you and me report such instances. I am sure they are not asking everyone money or such, as they just cant do it.
I agree that these might be rumours but I think you would agree that this rumours for DPS been around for years and people have accepted that.
If you talk about Ryan, yes I know people who were asked to join Ryan by paying, and there are few more examples......list may be too big.
The ultmate truth: no admissions. What will you do? Do you have an action plan in place if your child doesnt get admission anywhere? My 4+ daughter may not. And I am left with the only option of promoting her to nursery offered by her playschool. Next year, she might have to go through the process of giving written tests/interviews for admission to KG or pre-primary...whatever the rule is next year. But if the schools promote nurery kids to KG next year, they will again have the problem of no vacancies in KG...and the points system will be the same for nursery...with only neighborhood points allotted to us, our prospects for a regular schooling (forget good schooling) look pretty dim. That is the truth, the ultimate truth.
Now let be tell you about our story at AmiOwn ( Pushp Vihar )....
We did not take the child along as we thought we were following the norms and becoz of the genuine and more important reason that the concerned child was suffering from high fever. We tried to explain this to the ladies at the reception. Their response " Can't you read, You seem to be educated, The slip says that there will be no interaction without the kid".. I politely told them that the slip does not say so. Their response " Go get the child or there will be no interaction". At this point I lost my cool and raised my voice and said " Do you want me to kill my child? " Response - " Come on monday (it was a friday) with the child". I held my ground, was granted interaction with the chairperson Mrs. Chauhan who was adamant to know about my, my parents, and my inlaws income and only the income...... Then she asked me to get the child to the school on Monday.... Well I did....
Now there is no news of admission list on the website. When you call them, or call upon them , They ask you to wait... Till when ...no one knows.... I think I will teach my kid on my own at home for the next 12 years.... It is a guarantee that he will turn out to be a better human being than what AMITY can ever make him.... but AMITY will still not like him... Because I will teach him to fight against injustice.....
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