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Although the admissions page on school web site ( http://www.risvk.org/admission.html ) still not updated till now, the school has published...
Nursery Admission Delhi (NAD) 2018-19 Exclusive! SchoolsWeLike.com Brings you a tool for Nursery Admissions 2018 " NAD Point...
As mentioned by one of my fellows Shivangi ( see her comments here !), should we all parnts unite and file a PIL against nursery admission ...
Every year, the nursery admissions create a lot of hue and cry. Following the schedule, this year, the admission process bega...
March 1, 2017
July 14, 2015
Woman Arrested in Delhi Nursery Admission Racket
January 11, 2008
Schools, Admissions and Voilation of DOE rules!
नमस्ते लवली चाचा! चरण स्पर्श दीक्षित अंटी! कर लो जो कर सकते हो इन स्कूलों का! - दिल्ली के नन्हें बच्चे !
How many times the working parent can keep taking off from their offices? And how much money could a middle class person put at stake for this non-refundable token amount? - one of the parents reports
GIVEN BELOW THE LIST OF SCHOOLS THAT ARE OPENLY VOILATING THE RULES - information may be outdated, just in case you notice that it has been fixed/changed please inform us - Thanks!
Red Roses Public School, Saket, New Delhi (reported by one of the parents on 14-jan-2008)
Rule voilation:
School is taking written test of kids, they are asking kids to write alphabets, numbers. Parents are asked to stand away from kids and they also ask kids to chant/sing 1-2 rhymes.
The best part is the kid gets candy at the end of this test.
Santa Maria: Junior section of St. Mary. (reported by one of the parents on 11-jan-2008)
Address (as reported by on of the parents): 4, Green Avenue Lane, (near D-3 church), Vasant Kunj, New Delhi
Rule voilation:
1.They are openly asking for 20K. The principal says "First come first serve, give 20K & you can admit your child right now."
2. Parent asked "Is it a donation or what?", The answer was "You can think whatever you want. It's non-refundable."
3. The cost of the form was 500 & no receipt was being given to anybody.
4. The principal's opinion on the "Mission Admission" : "As a good citizen of country, I should not say this. But the fact is the court has made a mess of the admission process." What a great message !!!
Shame! Shame! Shame!
DPS Dwarka (NEW ENTRY! - 10-jan-2008)
Rule voilation:This school lays down the age criterion for pre-school admissions as:Age Eligibility: 3+ as on 31 March 2008 (children born between 01 April 2004 and 31 March 2005) This is clearly against the rules set by DOE. Can someone do anything about this. Where do I admit my Jan, 2004 born child?
Venkateshwar International School (Dwarka in Sector-10 on 11-jan-2008)
Rule voilation:
1. This School distributed first of all the forms at the cost of Rs. 400.
2. They did not specify any admission criterion (100 point system)
3. They are openly asking Rs. 25000/- on the name of development fund.
4. Parent residing in the range of 12-15 km. with no siblings were invited for the interaction
5. After few minutes of discussion with the administration guy, the chairman of the school comes out and clearly states - The school is not answerable to any parent, we don't have to give any reason to your why or what......... go and do whatever you want to do!!
Shame! Shame! Shame!
AMIOWN, Pushp Vihar (details available at: http://www.amiown.com/admissions.aspx)
Pre-School: Available
Pre-Primary: No Vacancy
Rule voilation:
1. They are conducting interviews openly for over 1 month now! Yes! Ask any parent that has attended that so called interaction। They take child to a room along with one of the wards and so called interaction takes place.
Our blog was first to publish this in any media (print, online) AMIOWN, see this post dated 31st Dec 2007.
2.School distributed forms from 7th Dec till 15th Dec, and registration has been closed on 15th Dec which is against the rules set by DOE!
Birla Vidya Niketan (Details available at:http://birla.ac.in/Notice%20board.htm)
Pre-School: Available
Pre-Primary: No Vacancy
Forms: Not available online
Rule voilation: School says "Kid must be born between - 1st April’ 04 to 31st March ’05" which is against the rules set by DOE! Fixed!
BPS has changed their rule to match the guidelines set by DOE. So the above voilation has been corrected.
Ryan International, Vasant Kunj (No details available at: http://www.risvk.org/admission.html)
Pre-School: Available
Pre-Primary: No Vacancy
Forms: Not available online (as on 16/12/07 at 4:23pm IST). Admissions page has not been updated for a long time now.
Rule voilation: School distributed forms from 1st Dec till 15th Dec, i.e. closed on 15th Dec which is against the rules set by DOE!
The Heritage School (Rohini)
Pre-School: Available
Rule voilation: School has the following regulations on its website: "Children born only between 1st April 2004 and 31st March 2005।" which is against the rules set by DOE! Fixed! School has changed their rule to match the guidelines set by DOE. So the above voilation has been corrected.
Delhi Public School (Rohini)
Pre-Primary: No Vacancy
Rule voilation: This school is planning to scrap Nursery
Ramjas School
Pre-Primary: No Vacancy
Rule voilation: School is denying forms for the 4+ yrs for pre-school and they don't have any vacancy in pre-primary class. Their age criteria is children born between 1st April 2004 to 31st March 2005.
Laxman Public School (near Malviya Nagar F.O.)
Pre-Primary: No Vacancy
Rule voilation: Their age criteria is children born between 1st April 2004 to 31st March 2005.
St. Mary's School
Rule voilation:(Reported by one of the parents) School is asking for Rs. 20000/- deposit for registration which is non-refundable and their last date for registration ends on 18th December.
More to be listed here soon! Stay connected!
January 5, 2008
Ryan Internation - thinking out of the box!
Ryan international is asking for thumb size photo graphs for nursery admissions. Passport size photograph is a norm across all schools except Ryan, so if at all you are planning to apply in Ryan, make sure you have thumb size photograph of your little one.
And bytheway...they are also asking for Family Pic! Oh my God! What the hell is going on all around............
November 30, 2007
Nursery Admission in the Schools of Delhi : Ryan International School, Vasant Kunj
As most of us would understand, other classes word is confusing and thats what school wanted - to confuse people, or rather send an indication that they have not vacancy in Nursery. Just to verify our assumption, we called school administration today afternoon and as expected the answer was that we dont have any single vacancy for Nursery and Pre-Primary for session 2008-2009.
They are so clear aobut this then why they have not published this information on their website? Probably the fear of order of Directorate of Education is high on their heads.
This is clear voilation of point#4 of order issued by DOE recently which says: "With effect from the date of coming into force of this Order, alladmissions in the pre-primary class shall be made in the mannerprovided in this Order."
जय भारत माता! जय भारत का कानून!